9 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Divine Text: Exploring the Analytical Interpretation of the Holy Quran

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    This paper delves into the analytical interpretation of the Holy Quran, an esteemed approach in the field of Quranic interpretation. As a dynamic and evolving discipline, the translation and interpretation of the Holy Quran constantly evolves, guided by the principles of Sharia and the contextual needs of the time. Among the earliest and most influential methods of interpretation is the analytical approach, which has been employed in numerous renowned exegeses such as Tafsir-al-Tabari, Tafsir Bahr al-Muhit, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and others. A distinguishing feature of the analytical interpretation method is that commentators interpret Quranic verses in the order they appear in the Mus'haf (the written compilation of the Quran), comprehensively exploring each verse before proceeding to the next. Each interpreter adopts the analytical method according to their expertise and interests, often encompassing introductory remarks on the Surah, connections between verses, reasons for revelation, lexical meanings, juridical inferences, grammatical analysis, rhetorical and lexical nuances, scientific miracles, interpretations in light of contemporary sciences, and other relevant aspects. This research utilizes a descriptive and analytical approach, drawing upon scholarly books, academic articles, and the works of esteemed Islamic scholars who have made significant contributions to Quranic interpretation. Through this method, individuals can address their specific scholarly needs. Al-Mashhadani: 248-266). It is worth noting that other interpretive methods, such as the method of Tafsit Ijmali, Tafsir Mawzui, and Tafsir Moqarin, draw inspiration from the analytical interpretation of the Holy Quran. In conclusion, the analytical interpretation of the Holy Quran provides a comprehensive framework for understanding its profound messages. This method offers various stages and features that facilitate a deep and multifaceted analysis of the Quranic text. As an example, this paper includes an illustration of the analytical interpretation method from Tafsir Munir, authored by the esteemed scholar Dr. Wahba al-Zuhaili. It is hoped that this discussion and example will prove beneficial to readers in comprehending and appreciating the analytical interpretation approach

    Cross-Cultural Learning and Adaptation: Enhancing Madrasah Management in Afghanistan through Insights from Indonesian Madrasah

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    Abstract:This article explores the potential applicability of the management practices employed in Madrasah in Indonesia to enhance the management of Madrasah institutions in Afghanistan. Madrasah play a crucial role in shaping the religious education and social fabric of Afghan society, yet they often encounter challenges in effectively implementing modern management principles to optimize their educational outcomes and overall organizational efficiency.Drawing on a comparative approach, this research assesses the key management strategies and systems currently implemented in Islamic schools or Madrasah in Indonesia, a country with a rich tradition of Islamic education and a strong foundation in modern management practices. By analyzing the successful methods employed in these Indonesian educational institutions, this study aims to identify adaptable strategies that can be integrated into the context of Afghanistan's Madrasah management.This research adopts an analytical and comparative approach to examine the organizational structures, pedagogical methodologies, and administrative frameworks of Madrasah both in Afghanistan and Indonesia.The anticipated outcomes of this research are twofold: first, to establish an empirical foundation for understanding the current management practices in Afghan Madrasah, identifying potential challenges and areas for improvement; and second, to present evidence-based recommendations for the integration of successful management techniques from Indonesian Islamic schools. These findings will not only benefit the respective educational institutions but also contribute to the broader discourse on Islamic education management in the global context.The study acknowledges the contextual differences between Afghanistan and Indonesia and the potential cultural and social factors that may influence the implementation of management strategies. Therefore, the research will also explore strategies for adapting and contextualizing the Indonesian management models to suit the unique needs and challenges faced by Afghan Madrasah.The significance of this research lies in its potential to foster improvements in Madrasah education in Afghanistan, thereby contributing to the development of human resources, community building, and overall societal progress. Additionally, the study seeks to promote intercultural exchange and learning between Afghanistan and Indonesia, facilitating cross-border collaboration in the field of Islamic education management

    ‘Awâmil Numuww al-Uṣȗliyyah wa at-Taṭarruf wa Istimrâriyyatuhumâ fī Afganistân

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    الملخص التطرف العنیف الناتج عن الاصولیة يعد واحدًا من أكثر الظواهر تهديدًا لقد تغير السلام في العالم، كما تغيرت أي ظاهرة أخرى في المجتمعات البشرية.الأصولية والتطرف ليس فريدًا بالنسبة للعالم الإسلامي بل يمكن ملاحظته في الأديان الأخرى. ولکن في غضون ذلك، العديد من الطوائف الدينية في العالم الإسلامي في فترة ما بعد الأحداث المعروفة باسم "الربيع العربي"، من أجل الحصول على السلطة وتنفيذ نموذج الحكم الذي يريدون وتشكيل المجتمع الإسلامي المطلوب على أساس تفسيرهم للآيات القرآنية وأحاديث الرسول صلي الله علیه وسلم، بدأت في تجديد قواتها وبدء صراعات عسكرية ومدنية في كثير من الأراضي الإسلامية. أن التطرف ظاهرة عالمية وتاريخية تمت محاربتها بوسائل متعددة، حيث أن جميع الديانات والرسالات السماوية، والفلسفات والنظريات الاجتماعية، تدين التطرف. وتعدّه من أعقد المشكلات والعقبات التي تواجه تقدم البشرية؛ لما تخلّفه من نتائج كارثية، على المستوى الإنساني ّ والحضاري، والتي نتج عنه صدامات وصراعات دموية لم تنته أثارها حتى الآن؛ مما تسبب بالتعاسة للبشرية، وكان على رأسها التطّرف والتعصب والعنف والعدوان. اتبعت فی هذا البحث المنهج التاريخي الوصفي والتحليلي مع استخدام مصادر مكتبية موثوقة التي تهدف تعريف الأصولية والتطرف، ونشأتهما وتحديد عواملهما وأسباب النمو واستمرار هما وإيجاد طرق لمنع التطرف واستمراره في أفغانستان. أظهرت نتائج هذه الدراسة أن الأزمات الداخلية والسياسية والاقتصادية والثقافية والاجتماعية وغزو الثقافة الغربية من جهة، وتدخل وكالات الاستخبارات الإقليمية والدولية مثل ISI وغيرها ووجود قوات الناتو اوامریکا من جهة أخرى، عوامل في نمو واستمرارية التطرف والأصولية في أفغانستا

    What Can the Afghanistan Ulama Learn from The Islamic Modernism Movement in Indonesia?

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    This article aimed to explain what the Afghan Ulama learned from the Islamic modernism movements in Indonesia in implementing the Islamic modernism values in Afghanistan. This study explored the challenges, methods of implementation of Islamic modernism values in Indonesia. This research used the analytical and descriptive method by referring to books and journal articles. This study argued that implementing Islamic modernism values in Afghanistan was a challenging and problematic process. Therefore, the Islamic Modernism movements of Afghanistan needed to work cautiously to remove obstacles and challenges calmly and without violence to pave the way for the spread of their massages. This research concluded that Islamic scholars and academics in Indonesia were mostly successful at spreading Islamic modernism values and overcoming the challenges faced with in the country. Similarly, because of the social, political and religious features; being of Indonesia as the largest Islamic country with racial and religious diversity, having the experience of Islamic modernism, and the existence of similarities between the two countries, Indonesia was an outstanding model for Afghanistan’s Islamic modernism movements. Therefore, the Afghan Islamic modernism movements can use the approaches that Indonesian Islamic modernism movements used for the spread of Islamic modernism values in the country

    Problems of Islamic Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0

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    The construction of Islamic education is a gateway for the growth of human civilization and is expected to provide definite answers to society's problems. The problem of disintegration between sciences results in the compartmentalization of the human mind, personalities that are not characterized by divine values and tend to justify all means due to hedonism that plagues life. The problems of Islamic education in responding to the progress of the times, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 currently aimed at the challenges of Islamic educational institutions in the face of the destruction of the next generation of the nation's character. This is in line with the goal of Islamic education to create a generation of the nation that has the ability in terms of science and technology without eliminating the moral aspects of students. This research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection through literature studies that are analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that one of the challenges faced by Islamic education is the aspect of education management, future education planning has three characteristics of society, namely the future of sociology and the future of technology. Therefore, Islamic education is required to be able to balance itself with the progress of modern times or globalization that will continue to change. Islamic education must be able to show education that is responsive to the times. Preparing for the future of education is to advance, with an emphasis on quality, justice, prosperity, and so on

    Unveiling the Complexities of Spousal Rights Abuse: An Exploration within the Afghan Socio-Legal Milieu and Islamic Jurisprudence

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    This study endeavors to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the intricate matter of rights abuse within the context of Islamic jurisprudence, with a specific focus on instances of spousal rights abuse within the cultural and legal framework of Afghanistan. The primary objective of this research is to elucidate the diverse manifestations of abuse, regulatory mechanisms, potential remedies, and the foundational marital norms that contribute to this phenomenon. Employing a methodological approach that combines inductive reasoning and analytical techniques, this inquiry systematically navigates the nuanced dimensions of spousal rights abuse, unraveling its implications while proposing pragmatic measures to alleviate its adverse societal repercussions. Situated within the intricate socio-cultural landscape of Afghanistan, this study delves into the comprehension and practices of prevailing marital norms. Special emphasis is placed on grasping the dynamics of spousal rights abuse, encompassing scientific, economic, ethical, and cultural dimensions. Through meticulous data collection from primary and secondary sources, this research rigorously examines Islamic jurisprudence to illuminate distinct forms of abuse, their regulatory constraints, and defining criteria, culminating in thorough discourse and analysis. The findings of this investigation underscore the extensive implications of spousal rights abuse, underscoring its deleterious effects on individuals, families, and the broader society. Notably, this study identifies a substantial void within the existing literature concerning the application of abuse within the domain of rights exercise within the familial context of Afghanistan. The research advocates for the establishment of a committee comprising jurists and subject experts, dedicated to addressing and rectifying this pervasive issue. With a theoretical and applied approach, this research offers a unique vantage point on the subject of abuse in rights exercise, with particular attention to gender dynamics. By suggesting feasible remedies and accentuating the significance of education and awareness, this study serves as a valuable reservoir of information for individuals, governmental bodies, and stakeholders engaged in the resolution of spousal abuse-related disputes within the Afghan context